Hudson Wentzell
Undergraduate Student
Department of Cell and Systems Biology
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St., Toronto, ON M5S 3G5
Current Research
Detecting patterns of positive selection and investigating molecular evolutionary changes in genes involved in phototransduction and the visual cycle within cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) using computational methods of comparative sequence analysis
- H.B.Sc. (2021–present), University of Toronto
- Genome Biology Major, Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Major
- Trinity College 6T5 Scholarship (2024)
- B. Arthur Bensley Scholarship in Life Sciences (2024)
- Human Biology Excellence Award (2024)
- Trinity College 6T5 Scholarship (2023)
- F. M. Hill Scholarship in Biology (2023)
- Trinity College 6T3 Scholarship (2022)
- NL Centenary of Responsible Government Scholarship (2021)
- NL Education Foundation Scholarship (2021)
- University of Toronto Scholars Award (2021)
- RISE Germany (2024) – Research internship in rye genomics at the Julius-Kühn-Institut (Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops), Groß Lüsewitz, Germany; internship funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Trinity College Literary Institute, Opposition Leader
- Fundamental Genetics and its Applications Students’ Association (FGASA), Voting Member