Ahmed A. Elbassiouny
Ph.D. Student
Department of Cell & Systems Biology
University of Toronto
Email: ahmed.elbassiouny@mail.utoronto.ca
Current Research
- Functional genomic approaches to understanding bio-electrogenesis and sensory systems in fishes
Ph.D. (2016 – present) — University of Toronto, Cell & Systems Biology
Hons. B.Sc. (2014) — University of Toronto
Specialist program in Cell & Molecular biology and Biotechnology
Academic Awards
NSERC Post-Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral, 2020-present
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 2019-2020
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholarship (declined), 2017
Zoology International Scholarship, 2016
University of Toronto Fellowship, 2016-present
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Elbassiouny, A.A., DiSordi, P., Guay, S., Hamilton, A., King, S., Brown, J., Molnar, P., Andrade, M.C.B., Riggs, C.D., Stehlik, I., Ashok, A., 2020. The whole is greater than the sum of parts: a research poster project provides an integrative framework for learning across foundation courses in biology. Bioscene, 46(1), pp27-35. LINK
Elbassiouny, A.A., Lovejoy, N.R. and Chang, B.S., 2019. Convergent patterns of evolution of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes in electric fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375(1790), p.20190179. LINK
Hauser, F.E., Fontenelle, J.P., Elbassiouny, A.A., Mandrak, N.E., Lovejoy, N.R., 2019. Genetic structure of endangered lake chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta) in Canada reveals a differentiated population in a precarious habitat. Journal of Fish Biology. LINK
Lehmberg, E.S., Elbassiouny, A.A., Lopez-Fernandez, H., Crampton, W.G.R., Bloom, D.D., Lovejoy, N.R., 2018. Fish biogeography in the “Lost World” of the Guiana Shield: Phylogeography of the weakly electric knifefish Gymnotus carapo (Teleostei: Gymnotidae). Journal of Biogeography. LINK
Kolmann, M.A., Elbassiouny, A.A., Liverpool, E.A. and Lovejoy, N.R., 2017. DNA barcoding reveals the diversity of sharks in Guyana coastal markets. Neotropical Ichthyology, 15(4). LINK
Elbassiouny, A.A., Schott, R.K., Waddell, J.C., Kolmann, M.A., Lehmberg, E.S., Van Nynatten, A., Crampton, W.G., Chang, B.S. and Lovejoy, N.R., 2016. Mitochondrial genomes of the South American electric knifefishes (Order Gymnotiformes). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 1(1), pp.401-403. LINK
Selected Presentations
Elbassiouny, A.A., Lovejoy, N.R., Chang, B.S.W. Mitogenomic adaptation to metabolic burdens of cryptic electricity-based communication systems in fishes. International Congress for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. August 2019. Ottawa, ON.
Elbassiouny, A.A., Chang, B.S.W., Lovejoy, N.R. Molecular evolution of OXPHOS protein subunits in fishes with novel phenotypes. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Annual Meeting. July 2018. Yokohama, Japan.
DiSordi, P., Elbassiouny, A.A., Guay, S., Hamilton, A., King, S., Brown, J., Molnar, P., Stehlik, I., Andrade, M.C.B., Riggs, C.D., Ashok, A. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts: a research poster project provides an integrative framework for learning across courses in biology. 12th Annual University of Toronto Teaching and Learning Symposium. April 2018. Toronto, ON.
Shaikh, S., Jenne, A., Elbassiouny, A.A., Bansal, A., Ashok, A. Can first year non-major biology students accurately predict their ability to apply the scientific method? Exploring the correlation between metacognition and discipline-based learning. Centre For Teaching and Learning Showcase. March 2018. Scarborough, ON.
Elbassiouny, A. A., Schott, R. K., Chang, B. S. W., Lovejoy, N. R. Genomic and Computational Approaches to Electrogenesis in Fishes. Great Lakes Bioinformatics and Canadian Computational Biology Conference. May 2016. Toronto, ON.
Elbassiouny, A. A., Schott, R. K., Chang, B. S. W., Lovejoy, N. R. The Imitation Game: Genomic Approaches for Understanding Electric Signals in Fishes. Compute Ontario Research Day. May 2015. Cambridge, ON.
Elbassiouny, A. A., Lovejoy, N. R. Who Came First the Fish or the Egg. Third Annual Interdisciplinary Research and Discovery Symposium. October 2014. Scarborough, ON.
Elbassiouny, A. A., Tan, H. H., Bloom, D. D., Lovejoy, N. R. Molecular Phylogenetics and the Evolution of Reproductive Mode in Halfbeak Fishes from Southeast Asia. Ontario Ecology, Ethology and Evolution Colloquium (OE3C). May 2014. Guelph, ON.