Matthew Woo
MSc Student
Department of Cell and Systems Biology,
University of Toronto
25 Harbord St., Toronto, ON, M5S 3G5
Current Research
- Comparative analyses and mutagenesis studies of Retinitis Pigmentosa associated mutations to understanding molecular mechanisms using natural variation
- Molecular evolution of snake crystallin genes and implications for snake evolutionary origins
M.Sc. (2017-present) — University of Toronto, Cell and Systems Biology
Supervisor: Dr. Belinda Chang
B.Sc. (2017) — University of Toronto Mississauga, Forensic Science – Biology Specialist Program
Academic Awards
NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program (Alternate List), 2018
University of Toronto Fellowship, 2017-present
NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, 2017
University of Toronto Mississauga Student Recognition Award of Achievement, 2017
University of Toronto Dean’s List Scholar, 2014-2017
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Woo, M., Felske, R., Submitted. Reliability of Hemastix® vs. Kastle-Meyer/Phenolphthalein Test and Associated False-Positive Rates. Journal of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Selected Presentations
Woo, M., Felske, R. Reliability of Hemastix® vs. Kastle-Meyer/Phenolphthalein Test and Associated False-Positive Rates. 21st Triennial Meeting of the International Association of the Forensic Sciences. August 2017. Toronto, ON. (Poster). PDF
Woo, M., Felske, R. Reliability of Hemastix® vs. Kastle-Meyer/Phenolphthalein Test and Associated False-Positive Rates. 21st Annual Forensic Science Day – University of Toronto Mississauga. April 2017. Mississauga, ON. (Presentation)